Kevin’s Corner – Time Management?
April 10, 2023
“How do I manage my time?”
Dear Human (presumably),
Time management can be difficult for many people. However, the strategies to do it don’t always work for everyone. It is best that you find a strategy that works for you. Due to the lack of descriptiveness of your question, I cannot give much of a detailed answer; but I can provide some suggestions that you may find useful. Procrastination can often be dealt with by doing things early. While this suggestion may seem counterintuitive, (avoiding procrastination by not procrastinating? crazy.) putting things off really only makes the issue worse, and tackling things as soon as you get them can alleviate some of the stress. If you find yourself with too many things on your plate, perhaps taking some time to think about a structure for your commitments will help. But, if you find a strictly structured schedule even more stressful than an unorganized one, maybe it is best if you consider whether you need to be doing all the things you are currently doing. There is no shame in dropping some activities if you have the opportunity to do so and if it would end up helping you out. In the end though, the only one who knows what will help you is you.
-Kevin the Pigeon
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