Kevin’s Corner – Quit my club?

Kevin the Pigeon

Kevin the Pigeon

“Should I quit a club I was excited about but then got bored because of it? Or should I keep going?”

Dear Human (presumably),

Sometimes our interest in something wanes. That’s okay. There’s no need to put yourself through something that you dislike because you feel tied to it. Of course, if you feel that the commitment you made to the club was important, you can discuss with your club president or club advisor about when would be a good time to stop attending. But it also happens that sometimes interests come back with time. If you think that the reason you are bored is because your club is doing unusual things or because it has stopped doing what you found interesting, it may help to talk to your fellow club members to see what can be done to make the club enjoyable again. If this is not the case, and you simply find yourself not enjoying the club’s normal activities, you may want to consider what you want to be getting out of your time, and whether this club will give it to you.

-Kevin the Pigeon


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