The College Search

Abigail Ormsby

Another day of college searching and you still don’t know what to major in, minor in, or whether to go to college at all? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. When it comes to your future, it is important to reflect, relate, and most of all: relax.

After you try on those cute shades you bought at Buffalo Exchange, move away from the mirror and do something that reflects your passion instead of your face. No matter what it is, just let yourself do it to find if your love for it would last all the way through an activity-focused program you might be thinking about joining. Make sure you not only do this, but also be honest with yourself because often rigorous or even not rigorous programs can squeeze the passion out of a subject. Of course, it is hard to know the extent of your passion for a subject, since you are not actually in the program, but the main focus is to emphasize what you truly are, and will foreseeably never stop being, passionate about. Everyone is different, thus passions vary, but the principle is still the same: explore something you love and let that be what you study, if you want to pursue something. Reflect on what you love to do and what you love about yourself, because those Buffalo Exchange shades look great on you.

Walking out of the door with those new shades makes you feel stylish. You lend your precious sunglasses to a friend, and they might relate, confidently striking a pose while you snap pretend photos with the poise of a Tony Awards photographer. Your friend has an epiphany, while you put your pretend camera away, of them graduating college having majored in fashion and design, which gives you the idea for yourself. Not only do you relate to feeling stylish with the shades on, but you both realize you want to make other people feel stylish. While your friend jumps and twirls with glee, you also realize that your new-found passion for style might overshadow their similar passion, but this is not the case. Relating with someone else on a subject is not only a good thing, but also productive because relatability can stimulate collaboration, thus allowing for more critical thinking and fun!

Phew! Now that some worries have hopefully danced away, put those shades on again and relax! Breathe and give yourself time to find your passion and maybe even pick up a few kindred spirits along the way. Keep those shades on and don’t worry, you’ve got this!